How can we create a sense of community in a public space?


Quartier des Spectacles, Montréal

Summer/Fall 2014

I collaborated with the Goethe Institute and the German architecture firm Raumlabor on the Fountain House project in Montréal. The project emphasized the importance of water as a natural resource and provided a meeting place for locals and visitors to celebrate art, community and conversation. The structure was organic and grew plants and mushrooms on the inside and outside of the walls over several months time. A water fountain inside the structure allowed people to have access to fresh drinking water and also fill their water bottles. The outdoor wooden furniture was created through co-design workshops with Raumlabor architects, students and citizens. Lastly, several community events were organized on site during the duration of the project (presentations, community dinners, art and lighting projections, etc.).

I participated in a concept brainstorm session in Montréal and synthesized and translated the results to share with the architecture firm Raumlabor in Germany (translation from French to English). I was also hired by the Goethe Institut to shoot photography and document the building and transformation of the project from construction to completion.

Raumlabor, Goethe Institute, Christine Kerrigan, UQÀM graduate design students

Photography by Christine Kerrigan


Public Space Installation: Haute Saison


École Montcalm: Improving the Primary School Experience