Publications : Citymaking
Kerrigan, C.,Petitclerc, L (2021), The Art of Revitalizing Downtown Areas : The Case of Mont Tremblant. An article for New Cities.
Journal de design urbain
Steele, D., Kerrigan, C., Guastavino, C.
(2019 ), Sounds in the City : bridging the gaps from research to practice through soundscape workshops.
Journal de design urbain – Numéro spécial sur le paysage sonore.
Congrès annuel de l’Association des Écoles européennes d’urbanisme et d’aménagement (AESOP)
Steele, D., Kerrigan, C., Guastavino, C., Dumoulin, R. (2017), Sounds in the City Workshops : integrating the soundscape approach in urban design and planning practices.
Kerrigan, C. (2020), Tuning in to Quality of Life. An article in the series, “The Soundtrack to Our Cities” in The Big Picture by NewCities.
Thèse de master
Kerrigan, C. (2018), L’objet du jeu : Approches innovantes de design collaboratif pour le projet de design urbain. Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM). Thèse de master. Directrice : Carole Lévesque.
Kerrigan, C., Steele, D. (2017), Sounds in the City : Are You Listening to the World Around You? NewCities (Perspectives).